Trec Nutrition Creatine Micronized 200 Mesh + Taurine
There are many people who have tried a variety of products aimed at helping the body develop strength and endurance. One of the main reasons for trying so many different products is that sometimes it takes a long time to find a supplement that has all the qualities you are looking for. With some of them, the desired effect comes after a long intake and it does not last long. There is one product on the market that gives instant results and you do not have to wait long for them. If you start taking nacreatine Micronized 200 Mesh + Taurine, then there is no reason to look for any other product.
What does Creatine Micronized 200 Mesh + Taurine contain?
Creatine Micronized 200 Mesh + Taurine contains crystal-clear micronized creatine monohydrate, characterized by excellent absorption by the body. Creatine is known for its strong anabolic and ergogenic properties, which significantly improve endurance and performance. In addition to creatine, this supplement contains taurine - a substance known for improving athletic performance. The substances work together to produce qualities that will allow users to achieve new levels of success in terms of muscle, strength and endurance. The product works quickly and effectively and produces chemical reactions that help the body recover quickly from the depletion of nutrients lost during training or exertion. These qualities make Creatine Micronized 200 Mesh + Taurine a must-have addition to the regimen of all athletes.
How does the formula work?
Designed for athletes, this supplement is a positive support for those who train to improve their strength and endurance, and their muscles are used to the limit when performing a given sports discipline. The results of taking Creatine Micronized 200 Mesh + Taurine can be felt within a few weeks. They can be expressed as an increase in strength of 10 to 20%, as well as an increase in body mass of 3 to 5 kg. More results are guaranteed. They include:
Increasing strength
Improving muscle mass
Improving muscle growth
Increased energy production
How to take this product?
Training days: 1 dose of the product (6.5 g) is taken 30 minutes before training and another one immediately after it ends.
Non-training days: 1 dose 2 times daily 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach.