What is the ORGANIZATION of Rure Nutrіtіоn?
Ashwagandha (also known as Somnifera dunal) is an adaptogenic herb that is popular in Ayurvedic medicine. It has been used for over 2500 years. It is in fact the most commonly used and widely studied adaptogenic herb.
Ashwagandha is valued for its thyroid-modulating, neuroprotective, anti-anxiety, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties, which are just some of its many benefits.
In India, it is known as “stallion power” because it is traditionally used to boost the immune system after illness. It is also called “Indian ginseng” because of its ability to increase your stamina and work as a natural stress reliever, and these are not the only benefits of ashwagandha.
The herb's ability to act as a stress reliever is what makes it so popular. Like all adaptogenic herbs, it helps the body maintain homeostasis, even during times of emotional or physical stress.
The many benefits of ashwagandha don't stop there. This powerful herb has shown incredible results in lowering cortisol levels and balancing thyroid hormones.
In addition, it is used to improve mood and prevent degenerative diseases, so it seems to help with these conditions as well.
Product information
Pack of 60 tablets
Product type Herb
Single dose 1 tablet
Doses in packs of 60 doses
Doses per day 2 doses
Aѕhwagаndha Extra 675 mg
Black pepper extract 5 mg
Why choose ASHWAGANDA ORGANIC from Pure Nutrition?
Bio preservative supplement containing:
Organic Ashwagandha – 675 g
Organic copper pipep – 5 mg
GMP certificate of membership
There are over 200 studies on the benefits of ashwagandha, including the herb's ability to:
Improving thyroid function
Left adrenal gland
Reduces anxiety and depression
Reducing stress
Increases durability
Front and back
Reducing brain cell degeneration
It stabilizes the main xap
Low cholesterol
Increases immunity
Ashwagandha is an important herb in Ayurvedic medicine, as it serves many purposes and benefits many body systems, including the immune, neurological, endocrine, and reproductive systems. It is often used as ashwagandha oil (sometimes called ashwagandha essential oil).
How to use:
Studies claim that in the form of a nutritional supplement, with a gradual increase in dosage from 600 milligrams per day to 1250 milligrams per day, ashwagandha is well tolerated and safe for organ function and hematological tests. It can improve sleep quality, lower cholesterol levels, and increase muscle strength.
It may take two weeks or more to notice the benefits of ashwagandha, so be consistent.
We recommend taking 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day with food.