FA CORE Gluta is a carefully developed glutamine complex designed for both advanced athletes and fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts. It contains the most advanced forms of Glutamine , along with the most powerful immunostimulant - Beta Glucan .
This is the first supplement that allows you to quickly regenerate your muscles after training, to fill the glycogen reserve in them after a hard and exhausting workout or during a period of low-calorie diet, and at the same time strengthens your immunity and restores energy and tone!
➡ stimulates the building of lean muscle mass;
➡ accelerates recovery;
➡ stimulates immunity;
➡ slows down muscle breakdown;
➡ increases energy
➡ great taste
➡ 3 forms of Glutamine
➡ without Aspartame
FA CORE Gluta is a universal solution: great recovery and effective immune system strengthening in just one product!
FA CORE Gluta is the best Glutamine supplement as it is carefully designed and contains several forms of Glutamine , as well as Taurine , Beta Glucan and Vitamins !
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body and assists in a number of metabolic functions. High levels of nitrogen and glucose in the blood, as well as strong immunity are just some of the beneficial properties of supplementing with Glutamine . Glutamine is also a precursor to Glutathione , the most powerful antioxidant in the human body, which is also responsible for regulating the body's antioxidant capabilities.
Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid and is the second most abundant amino acid after glutamine. Taurine is vital for fat digestion, fat-soluble vitamin absorption, brain and nervous system function, electrolyte transport across cell membranes, and in addition, taurine enhances the feeling of alertness and has a tonic effect!
Beta 1,3-Glucan is a highly bioactive carbohydrate that is extracted from the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae , also known as baker's yeast. Scientific studies show that Beta 1,3-Glucan supports a strong immune system in the human body due to its ability to stimulate macrophage activity in the body. Beta 1,3-Glucan accelerates the repair processes of damaged tissues and cells, is suitable for people subjected to physical and/or emotional stress, at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Selectively reduces /LDL/ "bad" cholesterol.
Adding vitamins improves bioavailability and protects the body from deficiency of these important vitamins after intense training, which have beneficial antioxidant properties and are extremely necessary during and after training.
You can combine FA CORE Gluta with other supplements from the CORE series by FA Nutrition and thus use their perfect interaction to achieve higher results.
Depending on the dose,
FA CORE Gluta can help you increase your muscle mass or simply maintain your current - already built - muscles, as well as improve muscle and body recovery many times over, which would lead to more fruitful workouts, as well as feeling more rested after heavy loads, not only caused by heavy workouts, but also by work, stress, etc.
How to use: 1 dose before training and 1 dose after training, for maximum results, add 1 dose before bedtime!