Rapid elimination of water retention in the body. Nutritional supplement for weight loss, to eliminate cellulite.
AquaRen is a phytodiuretic that eliminates water retention in the body extremely quickly. It supports the physiological activity of the kidneys, maintaining the water-salt balance of the body, without leading to "dry and wrinkled skin"
AquaRen is a nutritional supplement that is recommended for:
➡ Weight loss and water retention
➡ Cellulite with pronounced water retention
➡ Fitness and bodybuilding
1. Weight loss
An important factor in reducing body weight during a diet (especially true for people who have difficulty losing weight) is the elimination of extracellular water retained in the body. Fluid retention makes it difficult to transport active metabolites and waste products to and from cells to the lymph. Increased pressure is produced in the tissues, which compresses blood vessels. This makes it difficult to feed the cell and leads to a slowdown and disruption of cellular metabolism. By taking AquaRen, you will lose 1-2 kg of excess fluid at the beginning of the diet. AquaRen maintains cell hydration and the body's electrolyte balance. The diuretic effect of AquaRen has a number of advantages over standard diuretics, including potassium-sparing ones. AquaRen does not have the "dry and wrinkled" appearance of the skin that standard diuretics cause.
2. Cellulite
One of the reasons for the formation of cellulite is fluid retention in the problem areas: legs and buttocks. This applies to all forms of cellulite. In the problem areas, waste products are retained, mostly of protein origin. They create a prerequisite for the growth of connective tissue and a permanent disruption of metabolic processes in the affected tissues.
Typical symptoms of cellulite are: fluctuations in body weight, thirst and decreased diuresis, deformed, thickened skin and swollen subcutaneous tissues.
AquaRen is a nutritional supplement that has a supporting effect on procedures related to drainage of problem areas with cellulite - manual and instrumental massages.
3. Fitness and Bodybuilding
AquaRen helps eliminate subcutaneous water before and during competition. This allows for a better relief of the competitor and suppresses the "thin look" of the skin. AquaRen is an indispensable alternative to all diuretics, the use of which leads to a "soft and flat" look of the muscles.
RECOMMENDED DAILY INTAKE: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 3 times daily with food or as recommended by a specialist.
➡ Because we work with the best Bulgarian (not Chinese) raw materials
➡ Because we have developed a unique methodology for collecting and storing the raw material, preserving a high concentration of biologically active substances.
➡ We have the best technology for obtaining a larger amount of the desired biologically active substances compared to all other products containing birch leaf extract, which makes it the best in terms of effect.